IFD:IOSDevII 2011/Projects/adlavie

From Medien Wiki


ADlaVie is a game, which covers the life. It is more a round based game, with four games per day in the app life cycle and 28 (4 times seven days) games per week in the app life cycle.

The games inside ADlaVie


The first game is always a morning game, and covers the morning (Games like make breakfast, make your bed, brush your teeth, "Wimmel"-Games: Find all hidden forks, knifes and spoons).

To school/work

The second game is from monday to friday a game, where you need to go to school/work. (Games like moving to school, race games). You can go on foot, by bike and with car. To drive a car, you need a driver license, which you can get in a freetime module.

At school/work

Specific task for school or your job from monday to friday. For school: Mathematics, German, English based games. (A Mathematics games is to calculate the result of 2 - 4 numbers)


The last game is always a evening game, and covers the evening (Games like make dinner, take off the lamps in your house, brush your teeth).


The freetime games are only available in the third game on saturday or in the second and third game on sunday.


The shopping game is only available in the second game on saturday. Here you buy food and drinks. If you buy lots of alcohol or no fruits/vegetables your character will die earlier.

At the the beginning you create your character with name, birthday, address, schools, skill points and the look of your character.


Some screenshots of the current version of ADlaVie

