'Vegancipation' is an experiment that tries to give plants a choice on how to live their life through mechanical reproduction and targeted killing of one of their own.
'Vegancipation' also wants to see, if this decision is passed down through the generations. Do these plants have faith in the following generations?
The experiment explores the herbal willpower with regard to human motives and ambitions.
It's progressiv Lamarckism and analog apoptosis. It's the emancipation of the plant.
Plants don't really think about reproduction. They just disperse their seeds and a new generation sprouts.
Humans however know and decide mostly every little detail concerning their reproduction and eventual death.
The question is therefore, how can we get a plant to willfully decide to reproduce or not? And what would it opt for if its life was on the line?
Level I
A young plant is given the choice to reproduce through mechanical means. Through growing it can trigger a mechanism that plants a new seed.
Level II
In turn the new seedling can, enabled through its own growth, trigger a second mechanism that kills the first plant(salt, fire, darkness etc). It also has the choice to plant a next genration.
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch einen guten Freund.