
From Medien Wiki
Revision as of 20:51, 10 March 2013 by Max (talk | contribs) (→‎Software)

The Microsoft® XBOX 360 Kinect is a motion controller. It projects a pattern with infrared light and calculates a depth image using a camera. It also has a color camera and four microphones. The Y axis of the sensor is remote controllable with an in-build motor. The color of the LED is settable by software as well.


Blogs and portals



  • CocoaKinect App Freenect by Robert Pointon Icon apple 16x16.png
  • Synapse generates sceleton data and provides it as OSC Icon apple 16x16.png Icon windows8 16x16.png
  • ofxFaceTracker provides face metrics (orientation, eye and mouth open/closed) over OSC
  • Icon windows8 16x16.png
  • TUIO Kinect lets you define a depth range where multiple blobs can be detected. No actual depth information can be extracted. Icon apple 16x16.png
  • ReconstructMe turns your Kinect into a 3D-Scanner Icon windows8 16x16.png
  • KinectA is a free application by Bauhaus-Universität Alumna Michaela Honauer for motion tracking via the KinectSensor - including hand, skeleton and object tracking. Communication to other hard- and software via OSC. Icon apple 16x16.png Icon windows8 16x16.png
  • RGBDToolkit Workflow for Kinect + DSLR Filmmaking Icon apple 16x16.png Icon windows8 16x16.png
  • faceshift markerless facial motion capture Icon apple 16x16.png Icon windows8 16x16.png in the future also: Icon newtux 16x16.png

Frameworks and Libraries

Depth image

Skeleton data

These can can then be used on your language / framework of choice. Needs openNI.Icon newtux 16x16.png Icon apple 16x16.png Icon windows8 16x16.png

Running depth image and skeleton data on workstation Rafael

Change user of the computer to admin (Apple menu: logout user/User abmelden). Make sure Kinect is connected.

Depth image in Pd

  1. open Pd
  2. open pix_freenect-help.pd in Folder kinect on harddrive Rafael Data RAID
  3. open gemwin and activate the accel toggle

Skeleton Data in Pd

  1. open the terminal and Pd
  2. in the terminal type: cd /Volumes/Rafael\ Data\ RAID/kinect/Sensebloom-OSCeleton OR: type: cd (+ space) and drag the folder Sensebloom-OSCeleton from Folder kinect on harddrive Rafael Data RAID into the terminal window
  3. Enter. Type ./osceleton (optional: If you want to change the port add: "-p" and the port number. If you want to see the picture the Kinect is tracking add: "-w"), then press enter again.
  4. Because OSCeleton has some hiccups i recommend adding a "while true" loop to make sure it starts again when a problem appears. Makes the command: "while true; do ./osceleton; done"
  5. open OSCeleton.pd from Folder pd-skeleton in Folder kinect on harddrive Rafael Data RAID with Pd