Hi Elisabet my mail address is: benjamin.vossler@gmail.com
Bens' thoughts:
"Medium is the message"
-> a quote by Marshall McLuhan
thoughts after reading "The improbability of successful communication" by Niklas Luhmann:
- the medium influences the way we interact and communicate
- there's a difference between writing by using a typewriter, a laptop or a pencil
- the structure of a medium influences the understanding on the receivers' site
in our transcontinental context
- our communication media and devices influence the quality of our communication
- misunderstanding leads to new interpretation of the submitted content
- the quality of the connection affects the esthetic of the experience -> a "glitchy memory"
- the latency forces to slow down (if a Hi-Fi perception of San Diego is wanted -> need the upload on
video hoster)
---> creates new "space" ---> virtual Space
If I will remember San Diego, while a realtime connection via internet, I only have a destructive image in memory.