EKK:LoFi Sounds in HiFi Spaces/Mingling sounds/Ives Marcelo

From Medien Wiki

Ives' and Marcelo's answers

As sound artists (composers, performers, computer musicians, etc) the message we try to convey and its reception highly depend on the circumstances in which our work is presented. For example, a work in an open space won't have the same effect as if it was played in a large room with a large amount of reverb, and it won't be the same if it is played in a small room, therefore we have to consider how to present our work in a way that the message gets across. This is where we agree 100% with McLuhan. How we present our art, and the choices of medium (the space our work is performed/ speaker placements/ sound manipulation with computer software/ acoustic instruments/ etc) have a direct influence in how the work is perceived. Our question in the end is do we use the medium to convey a message or to manipulate the senses? In a way this question answers the ones regarding Fontana's work. If we use the medium to alter reality -or to create temporary one- then we we are influencing the way a particular work is perceived; the question being “are audiences going to buy this?” If we strip sound from one location and replace it with sounds from a different one there is a 50-50 chance that for that moment our brain will adapt to this new reality and accept it a such, partly because our ability to adapt. In other words, what the eyes see and the ears hear the mind believes. The last question, in our opinion, it has to do with what we already know about this instruments like a telephone and a loudspeaker. This knowledge of course includes the good qualities about them but also the troubles that can come up (poor connection, a bad loudspeaker) which are all part of our expectations. For example, if a phone call gets a lot interference or the sound is not good, we get frustrated, but is something that we are somewhat accustomed to. When expectations are not met things can go two ways: either they are exceeded by the new experience or they disappoint. As artists we believe our role is not to exceed the expectations so much but to rather challenge the brain to accept what could otherwise be seeing as a disappointing experience.

Video Links

San Diegan morning with Weimar sounds
