EKK:LoFi Sounds in HiFi Spaces/Alex

From Medien Wiki

Hi everyone, I'm a 3rd semester Master Student of Medienkunst/Mediengestaltung (Media Art& Design) at Bauhaus-University Weimar. Before, I did my BA in Theater&Media at Bayreuth University (GER).


SoundArt&Music, (Dance) Theater&Performance, Art Installations, Music Instruments&Interfaces, Digital Synesthesia, Physical Computing (Arduino), Generative Design (Processing)

My latest work in these fields is the installation "ichi-kousatsu": <videoflash type=vimeo>64219870|437|236</videoflash>

My collaboration interest

Mediated Theater&Performance, Audiovisual Installations, Digital Scenography

Project Idea

[immersive collage]


My platform is currently OS X, but I am open and interested to work on Raspberry Pi.


Mail: alexander {dot} p o s p i s c h i l {at} uni-weimar.de (no spaces) Skype: Mallegalle