Garbage Sound
Artist: Alexander Senko, Polina Dronyaeva
“Garbage Sound” soundscape stimulates people to re-evaluate meanings of everyday experiences and create their own soundscapes in their imagination. Quotidian sounds of flies, garbage dumping and garbage trucks trigger dual emotions of revolt and deliverance.
It is a sound installation, which creates a sonic composition extended not in time but in space as it is extended through 3 adjunct rooms. The resulting work will only exist in visitors’ minds depending on direction and speed of their movements from one room to another.
The real time programming environment Pd adds instability to the resulting composition.
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Alexander Senko and Polina Dronyaeva
Both were born in Moscow, live in Moscow and Barcelona. Exhibit together since 2008.
They develop various soundscapes and interactive audio-visual projects. Main interests: interplay of inner and outer worlds of humans.
![Sponsors and partners of the 4th internationals Pure Data Convention in Weimar 2011](/kunst-und-gestaltung/wiki/images/Pure_Data_Convention_2011_Sponsors_Partners.png)
4th international Pure Data Convention 2011 Weimar ~ Berlin