A forum for production, exhibition, exchange and dialogue about contemporary practice, trend and work/life paradigms. We are looking to see which definitions hide behind the terms "Art" and "Design" and which skills are inherently "artistic". We take forms from everyday life and bend them to become public events. We investigate labor, public service, design practice, conversational skill, public identity and aesthetic prowess. We catalogue lifestyles. We archive daily life phenomena. We share responsibility between practitioner and viewer. We live by our own design, create our own definitions and enjoy freedom in our occupation. We place a frame around social norms and offer them up for new investigation. We point a finger in a specific direction and request that certain elements be given a closer look. We construct a metaphorical parentheses and we add punctuation. Self Starter. Cottage Industry. Do It Yourself. Be Your Own Boss.
FUTURE VINTAGE lectures and workshops will start in November! more ...
Please note that Prof. Hill is on research sabbatical until April 2014!
WS 2013/14
- Einführungsmodul – only for Erstsemester BFA (!), Katrin Steiger und Sebastian Helm
- Introduction to Fiber – Werkmodul (BFA), Katrin Steiger
- Various textile processing techniques and their innovative reuse. A cooperative project with the textile workshop at Bauhaus University.
- Trendscouting – Werkmodul (BFA), Sebastian Helm
- Targeted archiving, visualization and organization of promising research - be your personal trend scout!
- The archive of people we don't know until now – Werkmodul (BFA), Ina Niehoff
- Different ways to approach a stranger.
- Newsletter – Werkmodul (BFA), Ina Niehoff
- Our newsletter has no limits, because it's about us.
- Totaltheater – Fachmodul (MFA), Katrin Steiger und Sebastian Helm
- Explore modern and future theater ideas.
„Aus dem Nähkästchen…“ is a lecture series curated by Prof. Christine Hill. Since 2005, well-known international practitioners have been invited to discuss their work and reveal certain "trade secrets".
The following artists/ practitioners have presented their work within Nähkästchen lecture series:
Doris Berger (Berlin)
Brett Bloom/ Temporary Services (Chicago)
Booklyn (CK Wilde and Marshall Weber) (Brooklyn)
Regine Debatty (Berlin)
John Freyer (Iowa City, Iowa)
Hope Ginsburg (Richmond)
Fritz Haeg (Los Angeles/ Rome)
Rafael Horzon (Berlin)
Michael Johansson (Malmö/ Berlin)
Fawn Krieger (New York)
Prem Krishnamurthy (New York)
Lillevan (Berlin)
Joanne Moar (Cologne)
Christoph Niemann (Berlin/ New York)
Timothy Nohe (Baltimore)
Pepón Osorio (Philadelphia)
Felix Sattler (Weimar/ Berlin)
Carey Young (London)
** FUTURE VINTAGE lecture series
„Future Vintage" lecture series was created in collaboration between the textile workshop at Bauhaus University and the Chair of Media,Trend & Public Appearance. National and international artists, designers and inventors are invited to conduct workshops with students and discuss various textile experiments within their field of work.
FUTURE VINTAGE lectures and workshops in WS 2013/14 with following guests:
- Anna Nordstöm (Stockholm)
- New Tendency (Berlin)
- Annette Fauvel (Halle)
- Novanex (Leipzig)
- Anne Trautwein (Halle)
- Anna Nordstöm (Stockholm)
A comprehensive archive of student work, class projects, thesis presentations and research pursuits is pending.
- more content soon
Prof. Christine Hill Chair Marienstraße 5, Raum 206 |
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M.F.A. Katrin Steiger Artistic Assistant and Lecturer Marienstraße 5, Raum 207 | ||
Dipl. Des. Sebastian Helm Artistic Assistant and Lecturer Marienstraße 5, Raum 207 | ||
Dipl. Des. Ina Niehoff Guest Lecturer E-Mail: | ||
Sekretariat Daniela Dembowski |