Assignment for 12.11.2013:
Simple HTML website optimized for mobile gadgets
Testapp - first little App, based on tutorials from "Apps mit HTML5 und CSS3 von Florian Franke"
Assignment for 19.11.2013:
on time clock - The on time clock works differently than normal watches. It makes use of the psychological expectations of a human being to provoke punctuality. Check website for more information.
Assignment for 03.12.2013:
Just Throw Some Snowballs - It's winter time so let's have some fun with snowballs. But please be careful!
Assignment for 10.12.2013:
YMR temperature - Gives the current temperature and adapt the background color to it.
Assignment for 17.12.2013:
Appchen Map & List - some location markers on a map and in a list read from a json file.
Assignment for 14.01.2014:
Appchen with JSON - due to lack of time I only made some changes on this little project. The shown data is read from a JSON file.
JK 11:13, 17 Dezember 2013 (CET)