Lecturer: Ben Sassen
Assessment: 6 ECTS, 4 SWS
Date: Tuesday, 9:30 - 12:30 Uhr
Place: Bauhausstraße 15, Projektraum 002
First meeting: Tuesday 2010-04-13
MANI.FEST III is a class! Boost your art practice with a real professional process. Get practice, make a festival.
Course description
Led by Juniorprofessor Ben Sassen & Kyd Campbell
class will be held in English
In this Werkmodul students will learn about planning and promoting multi-media events. Working together as part of a team, they will plan the 2010 edition of the Mani.Fest. The Mani.Fest is an annual event offering artists from Weimar who work with media and performing arts a platform to present their work. The event takes place over one evening during the Bauhaus' Summary, and in previous years has featured dance, theatre and live electronic music performances. Building on the success of last year’s Mani.Fest media performance showcase, this year we will aim to continue developing the Mani.Fest brand whilst once again creating a top quality audio/visual live event with an exciting program of Weimar acts. (See MANI.FEST for more details of last year’s event)
Students joining this Werkmodul will have the opportunity to gain practical experience in:
- Creating and managing promotional campaigns - Working as part of an event production team - Managing an event budget - Installing equipment and technically producing live multi-media events - Using video to document live events - Booking and liaising with artists - Organising and working with venues - Managing relationships with sponsors
To make Mani.Fest 2010 happen we are looking for a range of students who are able to work in different roles, including: graphic design, PR and press work, artist liaison, managing sponsors, VJing, web design and team leading. If one of these sounds like the job you would like to do then come join us!
Deutsche Kurzbeschreibung
Das Mani.Fest bot während des Medienganges 2009 zahlreichen Künstlern aus Weimar eine Plattform für audio/visuelle Live Performances. Auch in diesem Jahr soll das Mani.Fest wieder stattfinden und sich weiterentwickeln.
Dieses Projekt befasst sich mit den grundlegenden Anwendungen und Prozessen, die bei dem Organisieren und der Produktion von Live Performances und Medien Events notwendig sind. Das umfasst sämtliche Schritte von der Programmentwicklung über die Akquise von Künstlern und Sponsoren, die technische Vorbereitung und der Aufbau, die Ablaufplanung, das Marketing und bis hin zur Aufführung selbst.
Admission procedure
Attend the first meeting. Send me by e-mail after the first meeting the following information:
- Full name
- Fachrichtung and Fachsemester
- Matrikel #
- Angabe der geltenden Prüfungsordnung
- Valid e-mail address ...@uni-weimar.de (only addresses of the university will be accepted)
Eligible participants
Enrolled bachelor and diploma students of the faculties of media, Gestaltung and participants of the media-architecture program.
- 13.04.10 first meeting, kick off lecture
- At this first class we introduced the concept of MANI.FEST and the current Weimar context for AV performance presentation. We looked at a number of artist examples, talked about some different festivals, including the Tiny Noise, and previous MANI.FEST events. We discussed the possibility of creating a context for artists to improvise together during the frame of the festivals, different venues, good time lengths for an AV event, and audience comfort vs. endurance.
- 16.04.10 18h15 - public presentation on noise and sound art and passed MANI.FESTS
- 20.04.10
- 27.04.10
- 04.05.10
- 11.05.10
- 18.05.10
- 25.05.10
- 01.06.10
- 08.06.10
- 15.06.10
- 22.06.10
- 29.06.10
- 06.07.10
- 13.07.10
- EVENT DATE (t.b.a.)
- On Curating new magazine about curatorial practice
- New Media Curating mailing list and research network
- CRUMB - Curatorial Resource for Upstart Media Bliss
Artists presented in class
- Justice Yeldham - (AU) Glass, contact mics, etc.
- AGF - (DE) voice, poetry, electronic music
- André Gonçalves - (PT) arduino, electronics, household objects
- Pascale Gustin - (FR) voice, poetry, electronics
- Lappetites - (INT'L) eletronic orchestra
- Joachim Montessui - (FR) found footage, electroacoustic
- Line Nault - (CA) dance, electronic objects, video feedback
- Danny Perreault + Thomas Ouellet Fredericks - (CA) electric feedback, pure data, televisions, stroboscopic effects
- Audiovision Linkliste
- other related courses: