GMU:Devices of Perception/Ashin Mandal

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Day 1, 6th June 2014

Ohm's Law Resistance is measured in Ohms. -_-

List of resistance and how to identify them:
1 KΩ - Brown Black Red
10 KΩ - Brown Black Orange
100 KΩ - Brown Black Yellow
1 Mega Ω - Brown Black Green

0.01 μF (103)

List of Electrolytic Capacitors (larger than 0.01 μF) - 1 μF || 47 μF || 4.7 μF || 220 μF

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Day 2, 7th June 2014

Resistor code calculator - Electronics 2000 or any other like this.
Capacitance Calculator - Electronics 2000

555 timer data sheet and duty cycle, applications of the 555 timer

Darsha's work - Electrostatic Bell Choir Experiment

Monostable 555 duty cycle calculator

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Day 3, 8th June 2014

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Assignment 1, 19th June 2014


Assignment 1 - Super Conceptual Momentary Switch


The idea here is to develop a vocabulary of switches.
Is it responsive?
Does it require human or dog interaction?
Does your switch have multiple outcomes?
Does your switch trigger a series of events or actions?
SCALE and CONTEXT of the switch!
Necessary to draw a diagram or a schematic.

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When the fan is switched on, it disconnects the switch by blowing the aluminium foil apart which in turn switches off the fan. When the fan is switched off, the aluminium foil comes back and completes the circuits, thus making a loop within itself.

Day 4, 20th June 2014

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Day 5, 21st June 2014

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Day 6, 22nd June 2014 (Assignment 2)

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