Lecturer(s): Rodrigo Diaz
Credits: 6 ECTS, 4 SWS
Date: Wednesday 17:00 (Schedule TBD)
Venue: Marienstraße 7b, Room 105
This course is designed to enable students to produce and program musical interaction.
Through creative tasks, readings and hands-on exercises the course will explore the different approaches for music interaction using PureData.
The main objectives of the course are:
- To understand the basic principles of PureData audio/video programming.
- To understand the different approaches to produce interactive musical environments.
- To be able to deconstruct and reconstruct pieces of media art and interactive
All the topics will by presented using Pure Data and in an introductory manner.
- Digital Signal Processing
- GEM and ComputerVision
- Communication Protocols (OSC, Serial, TCP/IP...)
- Scoring for Live Electronic and Computer Music Theory
Required Materials
- Computer (laptop with integrated web cam).
- A game controller (ps3 controller, wii mote, etc) or a smartphone.*
- Arduino.*
(*)Optional but strongly suggested
Send your name and short description (study program, matriculation number, and interests) to rodrigo.diaz@uni-weimar.de
Schedule and Assignments