GMU:BioGames/Smin Kim

From Medien Wiki

Hello Minimi!

My name is Smin Kim. I'm studying in Bauhaus University Weimar Master course, Media art and design. living and working in Weimar. Nice to see you here!


Start Bio Lap!

Argar050520151.png Argar050520152.png

Introduction of Bio Lab

Professor Ursula Damm and Maria had the Introduction of Bio Lab in Marienstraße for students and teachers. 
And also new teacher Miga! in dataflow class joined.

I decide to grow Physarum Polycephalum in Argar plate. 
First of all, i had to make enviroment for my minimi(Polycephalum) in Argar plate. 
(The Polycephalum can be cultured on 2% water argar, fed oat flakes) 
Argar should be solide (not liquid) so we had to wait until The argar is solidified. It took time (Approximately One day)
Today I learned how to use the Bio lab. and Maria helped me a lot(thank you!) and i was so excited! 05.05.2015

*Good meterial for starting Bio Lab
Short guide Book "Techniques for Studying Bacteria and Fungi" from Carolina Biological Supply Company
you can check Website of Carolina

*Good Site for Euglena Community
you can check Tree of Life web project

*DIYSECT share from Maria!
you can check DIYSECT

*Synthetic aesthetics, Jane Calvert
you can check Synthetic aesthetics

After one week

Smin1205.png Smin120501.png Smin120502.png

My little minimi looks like dead... 
I guess that they are dead because of no water, and no nutrition on it on weekend. 
And they got a mole in a petry dish. 
So i try to make another Argar. (200ml, 2g argar powder) 
Now it getting to solid. 12.05.2015 16:00uhr

Try again Physarum 1

Microsmin0514.png Smin051901.png

Try Try again Physarum 2

Smin0515.png Smin0516.png Smin051902.png


Sminpolyfirst2.png Sminpoly01.png Sminpoly10525.png Sminpolyfirst3.png Sminpoly0201.png Sminpoly2052502.png

Bio Game Project



Faces of adult male primates from Central and South America. Warmer colors indicate higher complexity in facial color patterns. Species shown are:
(1) Cacajao calvus, (2) Callicebus hoffmansi, (3) Ateles belzebuth, (4) Alouatta caraya, (5) Aotus trivirgatus, (6) Cebus nigritus, (7) Saimiri boliviensis,(8) Leontopithecus rosalia, (9) Callithrix kuhli, (10) Saguinus martinsi, and (11) Saguinus imperator. Credit: Stephen Nash

Read more at:


I found really funny game! made by eyezmase. the game story is kind of how to grow egg!
Here is GROW ver.1 Website of EYEZMAZE you can also play with them.


This is NEW idea! it would be more easy understand, just imagine Euglenida instade of mushroom. (BIG Euglenida!)


All in all i would like to make a small game, main purpose is how to grow small 'Organisum' or how to develop species. It mieght be simple interface (only two button)
Pressed Button means that User decide ENVIROMENT. Depending on User's decision, the Organisum or species can alive or die.
and User can choose one of Button. User can see how difficult develop US! (inculde Evolutionary way)


This is NEW idea Diagram! Main purpose is INTERACTIVE WITH EUGLENA which are Human size.