Project Sketch
aus: Genetik verstehen Grundlagen der molekularen Biologie von Wrba, Fritz; Dolznig, Helmut; Mannhalter, Christine UTB 2. Auflage
About the genetic code
"Two apparently opposed properties of living beings, stability and variability, are based on the very nature of the genetic text. The system only offers a choice between two alternatives. The only instruction that can be received from the environment through regulatory proteins is a ' go ' or ' stop ' signal. Reading the genetic message, therefore, is like getting music from a iuke-box in a cafe. By pressing one of the buttons, one can choose the desired record from those in the machine. But in no case can one modify the recorded music or its execution."
aus: Library 0/ Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Jacob, Francois, 1920- The Logic of Life. Translation of La logique du vivant. Includes bibliographical references.