PRANASOL Prana (breath) --- Parasol (umbrella: symbolic protection) Interactive installation - Collective bio-feedback device
What one will see/hear:
The installation is a single mechanical object, consisting of two black umbrellas (, electronics (motors & micro-controllers), two breathing sensors.
The umbrellas fabrics are connected together via a fabric extension between their rims (thus concealing the electronics inside and visually giving a single form to the piece.
Through active encouragement and live demonstration-performance, visitors (2 at a time) will be given the chance to attach one breathing sensor per person to themselves, around the chest, and experience theirs and the others breathing (internal rhythms), as the parasols individual umbrella mechanisms respond to and mimic their own chests expansion and collapse.
The installation requires 2 visitors at any one time, to use the device to experience their own breath, and the others breath in one single, external mechanical object: the Pranasol. The user is fed back not just their own internal rhythm, but also the other participants inner rhythm of breath.
What Is to be achieved on a cultural level:
Technical infrastructure requirements
(outlets, lighting etc). time required for set-up duration of performance furniture needed? space requirements other requirements