Title: Experimenting with Silk Screen and Silver Ink: An Introduction to Printed Electronics.
Lecturer: Florian Wittig
Credits/SWS: 6 ECTS, 4 SWS Subject to Change!'
Maximum Number of Participants: 10
Course Language: English
First meeting: TBA
Date: TBA, presumably every second Monday, 13:30 until 20:30 h
Venue: Marienstraße 7b, Room 002
We will talk about the basics of printing technology focusing on silk screen printing and discuss the different possibilities of printed electronic circuits. In the lab we experiment with conductive ink, the students will develop their own ideas and projects making use of printed electronics.
Wir beschäftigen uns zunächst mit den Grundlagen der Druckverfahren mit Schwerpunkt auf dem Siebdruck und diskutieren die Möglichkeiten gedruckter Schaltkreise. In der Werkstatt experimentieren wir dann mit leitfähigen Druckfarben und die Studierenden können selbstständig Projekte mit gedruckter Elektronik entwickeln.
- A short introduction to the four main printing techniques
- Basics and history of Printed Electronics
- Screen printing: Printing process, stencilling, tools, and chemicals
- Creating positives for screen exposure
- Electroluminescence
- Printed circuits on cards for the Fingies project
- More possible topics depending on time and interest: Printed speakers, electrochromic inks, selfmade conductive inks, printing electroluminescent inks as a grid, inkjet and printed electronic circuits, printed sensors
Admission requirements / Voraussetzung zur Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung
This is an introductory course with no technical pre-requisites. Concurrent enrollment in another IFD course offering is strongly encouraged.
Registration procedure / Anmeldung
Please send your application until Thursday, April 7 by email with the Subject Experimenting with Silk Screen and Silver Ink to: florian.wittig (at) uni-weimar.de
- Name, Surname
- program and semester (Studienprogramm und Fachsemester)
- matriculation number (Matrikelnummer)
- Valid email address @uni-weimar.de (no other mailing addresses will be accepted) Why?
- Short sentence on why you want to participate in this course.
Evaluation / Geforderte Prüfungsleistung zur Erlangung eines Leistungsnachweises
Active participation, planning & fabricating an object containing printed electronics, documentation.
Eligible participants / Zielgruppe
Graduates enrolled in the Faculties of Media, Gestaltung and in the MediaArchitecture program
- Suganuma, Katsuaki: Introduction to Printed Electronics. New York: Springer Science+Business Media, 2014. ISBN 978-1-4614-9624-3 (Print) ISBN 978-1-4614-9625-0 (Online)
- Olberding, Simon; Wessely, Michael; Steimle; Jürgen: PrintScreen: Fabricating Highly Customizable Thin-film Touch-Displays. UIST '14 Honululu: ACM, 2014. https://embodied.mpi-inf.mpg.de/files/2014/10/PrintScreen.pdf
- Lengwiler, Guido: Die Geschichte des Siebdrucks: Zur Entstehung des vierten Druckverfahrens. Sulgen: Niggli, 2013. ISBN 978-3-7212-0876-4
- Fuchs, Siegfried E.: Die Serigraphie. Recklinghausen: Verlag Aurel Bongers, 1981. ISBN-13 9783764703370
- Up to date information in the course's page on the MediaWiki: http://www.uni-weimar.de/medien/wiki/IFD:Experimenting_with_Silk_Screen_and_Silver_Ink,