--- Processing3.0 Code---
Discover the Images of nature that are hidden in the dark with the help of a lighter
import processing.video.*;
int k, l; //coordinates for the brightest pixel
int photos = 8; //maximum of photos
int index = 0; // first image
PImage[] pics = new PImage[photos]; //images array
Capture cam; // Declare Capture object
void setup() {
size (1440, 900);
background (0);
smooth ();
//initialize the web cam
cam = new Capture (this, 800, 600, "FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)", 30);
//load the images into the array
for (int i = 0; i < pics.length; i++ ) {
pics[i] = loadImage ("IMG_024"+ (i+2) + ".jpg");
void draw () {
//load the pixels of every image
//load the pixels of the web cam
if (cam.available()) {
// Start values of the brightness of the pixels
float theLight = 0;
int brightnessPix =0;
// campare if the actual brightness values net to be replaced for new ones higher than 0
for (int i=0; i<cam.pixels.length; i++) {
if (brightness(cam.pixels[i]) > theLight) {
theLight= brightness (cam.pixels[i]);
brightnessPix = i;
k = brightnessPix % cam.width; // moving in the colums of the pixel array
l = brightnessPix / cam.width; // moving in the rows of the pixel array
//moving through the pixels in two dimensions
for (int x =0; x < pics[index].width; x++) {
for (int y =0; y < pics[index].height; y++) {
//position of the pixels in one dimension
int pixel_Loc = x + (y * pics[index].width);
//take the r,g.b values from the image pixel by pixel
float red = red (pics[index].pixels [pixel_Loc]);
float green = green (pics[index].pixels [pixel_Loc]);
float blue = blue (pics[index].pixels [pixel_Loc]);
//change the brightness according to the proximity of the mouse
float flash = dist (x, y, k, l);//using dist function with the 4 values points in X and Y coordinates
float flashLightX = (60-flash) / 50;// change the values for filters or the "100" for the size of the flashlight
float flashLightY = (80-flash) / 50;// change the values for filters or the "100" for the size of the flashlight
red *= flashLightX;
green *= flashLightY;
blue *= flashLightX;
// Constrain rgb values
red = constrain (red, 0, 255);
green = constrain (green, 0, 255);
blue = constrain (blue, 0, 255);
//change the pixels for a new value
color images = color (red, green, blue);
pixels[pixel_Loc] = images;
//dispaly the pixels
void mousePressed() {
//change the image every time the mouse is clicked
index = (index + 1) % pics.length;