The architect says that he does not see any culture here. The culture consists of memories, but here everything is based on the persons themselves and pure expression without any judgment. In this way, nothing can emerge and stay valuable for society in a long term. He is here because it is the only place where he can apply his skills. In the city, it is almost impossible due to overcomplicated restrictions.
Clara contradicts him: “But look at all the buildings around us, isn’t it amazing how they reflect their owners? Freed from such bounds as time, costs, appearance, prestige, heritage people build exactly what they always wanted to. The houses talk to each other and are all individualistic just like people.
She asks him if he doesn’t miss his family.
The architect answers: “Yes, of course, I miss them, moreover I see how the children of my brother who lives in Berlin grow up and it makes me so sad that I will never have such experience as he has. However, the communities here have developed a lot in the direction of support: everyone feels the same from time to time and we know that we can always count on help from those closest to us.
They continue to stroll through the settlement and after some time they come close to Florian’s place. Clara thanks her new friend for such a helpful discussion and wishes him good night.

Clara now understands that her values were always wrong and that is why she could not feel comfortable in her family.
Clara decides to stay in the settlement for a few more months and if she likes this kind of life, she will stay in this community. After what she has seen here, the city will never be as attractive as it was before, although she never really liked it.
In a couple of days, she returns to her family to talk to them about it. They are on her side and understand why she has made such a decision. Her brother even got concerned about the future of the settlements, which gain more and more attention in the media and are often described as “self-made ruins for those who want to opt-out from social life posing danger to the further development and growing of the cities”. Now, as the whole Clara’s family was able to look at the phenomena from both views, they want to change the public opinion of people who are simply afraid of the otherness. Clara with the help of her brother regularly organizes exhibitions of her friends’ works in the city which attract a lot of attention and have already made a positive impact on their appearance for the citizens.
Clara still lives in the settlement of Florian and visits her relatives every couple of weeks not to lose connections with them.