Das experimentelle Radio an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar | UKW 106.6 MHz

Reveil 8


5AM London time (UTC+1) on Saturday 1 MAY to 6AM on Sunday 2 MAY 2021 team is happy to announce the participation in Reveil 8 by rebroadcasting the whole broadcast and by contributing a live soundscape from Weimar

More information about contribution on Reveil 8 here

More information about Reveil 8 below


Follow the Reveil broadcast and parallel projects and connect with the IRC conversation from 05:00 UTC+1 on the 1st of May on the   REVEIL Platform

The Reveil broadcast is assembled from live audio feeds sent in by streamers at daybreak. The schedule of streams is filling up.

There is still time to set up a live stream. We especially welcome proposals for streams in Pacific and Atlantic timezones, and from the global South. If you have questions, let us know:

To contribute a stream to the broadcast with a phone, laptop, Pi, see the
Streaming sounds guide.

Please set up a profile page for your stream and let us know your plans:

See the call for streams, soundcamps, radios.

See the list of streams.
Details for each location are on the streams pages.

Listen to Reveil on the radio.

DIAL REVEIL on 0330 6069193
* Calls at local UK rates as set by your phone provider *

REVEIL relays the sounds of live open microphones operated by streamers on the Locus Sonus soundmap, Cyberforest programme, LIDO deep water hydrophone observatory, BIOM Open Microphone network, and elsewhere. It spans from formal research to domestic projects and one-off broadcasts.

Reveil 2021 will be mixed live by Soundcamp in London UK (Grant Smith, Hannah Kemp-Welch) and Crete GR (Maria Papadomanolaki). We welcome guest mixers Leah Barclay (Biosphere Soundscapes) on the Sunshine Coast, QL and Fernando Godoy (Tsonami) from Santiago, CL.

Partner organisations in the Acoustic Commons project: Full Of Noises (Cumbria UK) · Locus Sonus (Aix FR) · Radio CONA (Ljubljana SLO) · HMU (Crete GR) · Cyberforest (Tokyo JP).

Produced in London by Dawn Scarfe, Ciara Drew, Christine Bramwell.

Design and development: Sam Baraitser Smith, Luke Saunders, Max Baraitser Smith.

Broadcasting Partners: Resonance FM/Extra (UK), Wave Farm WGXC(Acra, NY).

Participationg radio stations: Soundart Radio (UK) NAISA Radio (Canada), Colaboradio (Berlin), Phaune Radio (Canada, France), Radio Campus (France), Radio Patapoe (Amsterdam), Orange 94 (Austria), Oscillation festival (Brussels), Radio Tsonami (Chile), Wildlife Sound Recording Society (WSRS), Colaboradio (Berlin), Radio Campus (France), Archipel Stadions Community Radio (Berlin), Chimeres Radio (Athens), ΠNode (Brussels).

Reveil is a collective production by streamers at listening points around the planet. Starting on the morning of Saturday 1 May in South London near the Greenwich Meridian, the broadcast will pick up feeds one by one, tracking the sunrise west from microphone to microphone, following the wave of intensified sound that loops the earth every 24 hours at first light.

In 2021 Reveil features new out-side streams to be announced.

The term: off-grid will inform a program of extended radio projects accompanying the Reveil broadacast. On the verge of Summer, Reveil heads out-side again, trying out ways to be in touch off-screen, stretching its wings after confinement. Swapping, streaming, assembling a collectively produced long radio form, Reveil imagines and is part of an acoustic commons in the making.

To contribute a stream using a mobile phone, laptop or Raspberry Pi, see the recipes for streamers. Each stream adds to the variety and scope of this 7th transect. Please check these workshop resources for more information.

Streams come from a wide variety of locations, at a time of day when human sounds are relatively low, even in densely populated sites. This tends to open the sound field to a more diverse ecology than usual. The Reveil broadcast makes a space for this surplus by largely avoiding speech and music, gravitating to places where human and non human communities meet and soundworlds overlap.

The Reveil project is anticipated and informed by transects recorded by Gordon Hempton and Bernie Krause in the 1980’s and 1990’s that re-presented and extended auditions of the dawn chorus across large areas, as well as variants that captured the progress of Spring moving up over North America. The idea of a round-the-world dawn chorus recording lasting 24 hours has appeared periodically on wildlife and nature recordist lists. Gordon Hempton and the ornithologist Don Kroodsma have both imagined such a trajectory as a kind of aural surfing. In 2010 in collaboration with Páll Thayer, Ragnar Helgi Ólafsson made the installation DayBreak, Forever, which used a script to create a sequence through the Locus Sonus streams in much the same way Reveil would do later.


Reveil icon: Sam Baraitser Smith