Pressure Sensor Refinements

After trying different materials for pressure sensors I decided to go into more details with the ESD-foam experiments. The problem is, that there are different versions of the ESD-Foam: conductive and anti-static. The conductive foam can be used for the pressure sensors, the other one can't. Also there are different properties concerning the stiffness and softness of the foam. All these lead to different results measuring the the pressure.

For these experiments I used different ESD-foams. The problem now is, that I don't have any technical specifications for the foams. That's why I tried to describe the properties of the foam, but it would be better to have the data sheets to make exact statements. To see the difference between all the foams I made screenshots of the measurements to be able to separate them.

The set-up and the code is the same as in the pressure sensor experiments.

Foam 1

- medium softness
- medium stiffness
- properties almost like memory foam, after pressing it takes a few seconds to go back into normal shape

Foam 2

- very soft
- very flexible
- feels like regular foam for cushioning things
- easy to press, because of the softness

Foam 3

- medium softness
- medium stiffness
- feels like foam 1, except no "memory foam" feature

Foam 4

- hard foam - very stiff

Foam 5

- properties like foam 4
- one side coated
- no reaction while pressing it -> probably anti-static version of the foam

Foam 6

- the same foam as No. 5
- just removed the coated side, still not possible to measure any pressure


The results can be used to track the the amount of pressure that is applied to a sensor. Opposite to the other pressure sensors, the do not only work as buttons.

The question is now, if it is necessary to use this effect in the dance costume, because therefore we need to match the amount of pressure from the individual dancing person to the pressure sensor. For our idea of tracking different areas on the body, where pressure is applied at all, it is probably not necessary to know the amount of pressure.