Final Design

To get better ideas how to bring the costume to the next level, I did a second motion analysis. This time from the dancers we met and how will finally wear these clothes.

FullSizeRender Kopie

In the team we decided to place the sensor at the back of the dancers, so it will work if someone comes from behind the dancer or if he put his hands on his back while dancing. The technic will be covered from the material in the back, that forms a spinal column. Like you see in the picture, the LEDs will be placed down the spinal column and from there over the shoulders to the chest. It´s like the nerve tracts that come form the spinal cord. For a cooler look we have a hood, fixed with a small band at the inside on the head of the dancer, so it can´t fall down while dancing. Some chain will fix the wrap at the lower parts of the body. Under that, the dancer is just wearing some simple black clothes, so there is no problem with washing the costume.
