Author Archives: Henriette

About Henriette

I´m Henriette. I am in my 4th semester of my product design studies at the Bauhaus University, Germany. I am also a blacksmith. This semester is special though, because design and technology are coming together. As an interdisciplinary team we will create an interactive costume for the stage! To actually make this happen many of our divers skills are needed and that makes me quite excited about this project.

Wearable Technology

Here is a list of super interesting projects on wearable technology:

3d printed dress, even though I believe is sintered

Another inspiring project:

Mika Satomi and Hannah Perner-Wilson formed the collective KOBAKANT. Together, through their work, they explore the use of textile crafts and electronics as a medium for commenting on technological aspects of today’s “high-tech” society. KOBAKANT believes in the spirit of humoring technology, often presenting their work as a twisted criticism of the stereotypes surrounding textile craftsmanship and electrical engineering. KOBAKANT believes that technology exists to be hacked, handmade and modified by everyone to better fit our personal needs and desires.

Conceptual Fashion


Future Vintage Lecture Series – textile experiments

Wiebke and I presented this to you already, but here is a blog reminder for you.tumblr_n3inqyK2AU1qgn4seo1_1280
This lecture and workshop series about textiles was organised by the two of us and Katrin Steiger from the Chair of Media, Trend & Public Appearances.

Especially interesting to us could be our guest lecturer Alexandra Baum and her company Novanex. She is mainly working with e-textiles and smart textiles.

Also check out the Textilwerkstatt. It is our textile workshop, a student initiative open to everyone from the Bauhaus University. You are super welcome to step by, just to have a look or to actually get to work!

Costume Ideas for King Ubu


What is royalty all about? Usually they crave for power and riches and are kind of terrible people. King Ubu is exactly one of them. He finds pleasure in the suffering of others.How can such a person look like on stage? The image above is the first I came up with.

He looks like a typical king and is quite fat. On stage I imagine him making this specific body movement when becoming angry- throwing his arms back vigorously, which will make his sleeves excerpt smoke. Basically shaking out the smoke.

My second idea is based on a modern society fashion statement – the classic suit and tie look.The created moodboard for this costume is showing several men in suits, and other details, props etc. If you want to see it, please contact me directly (I won´t post it here, due to image copyright laws). King Ubu in this idea is wearing a very sharp looking suit. It fits well, looks expensive and shows his status in society. But some details are just wrong! He is not used to that kind of power and looks: for example is he wearing worn out sneakers and tennis socks with his suit; instead of a nice leather briefcase he is carrying a golden toilet seat.