Category Archives: Our costumes

oxygen tank for the Crew Diving Suit

The diver´s breathing oxygen is supplied by a tank that he wears on his back. It will have these features:

_ a tank with two separate chambers
_ the tanks ‘communicate’ with the oxygen display on the arm of the diver
_ the display fluctuate, according on the oxygen content and production by the plants
_ display classified in several areas, red area = too little oxygen
_ if too little oxygen the diver pushes a button to switch between the tanks
_ soap bubbles symbolize the waste gases- they are released from time to time
_ the aktive tank is probably lit in the colors blue, green, yellow, like water

first sketches for the tank:

P1040890      P1040896


possibly the tank will look like an egg of a ray:

P1040898   eikapsel-rog


Susann brought an example oxygen tank for us, that is generally used by fire fighters. It´s been a great help to figure out attachment points to the body as well a weight distribution. Also important to find out was how far the diver can reach by him/herself. Where does it make sense to attach any buttons, etc. that might need to be pressed.

first test with the light for the tank:

clear material

transparent material


News on the O² backpack:

I built a metal basis as backpack that rests on the actor´s shoulders. Not only that, but it also holds up the helmet! Next step was, to built the two chambers, almost like two lung wings via thermoforming.

1. step: shape two solid forms (left and right) from solid clay.

2. step: place clay shapes on a thin wood board, trace the outline with a pencil; drill 1,5mm holes with a distance of about 30mm from the other, around the line you just traced

3. step: cut the clear thermoplast sheet (we used vivak) into the size you need (about 50mm large in each dimension than you wooden board)

4.step: place the board with the clay form positioned on top into the thermoforming machine. Let it do it´s job ;-)

5.step: cut out your shapes, make sure to leave a 10mm wide rim. That leaves the form more ridgid and you have a flat space to attach it to the backpack frame.

We decided to matt the clear plastic to distribute the LED light better by sanding the inside and outside surface.

I punched holes into the rim of the plastic and placed the two lungs inside the metal frame, attaching it with wires.

Next step was to pad the entire structure. The whole thing is going to be quite heavy. Especially when the helmet is attached. To make it more comfortable to the actor, I padded the shoulder and back parts. I doubled the padding textile to make it thicker, but also to create a bag on the inside of it. The battery packs, Arduino and other technical utensils will be stored there, hidden. It has a zipper on the backside. The entire padding can be slipped onto the shoulder parts, streched around the frame, overlapped and secured on the bottom with press buttons.

One thing left is to cover the entire pack with the especially prepared silicone sheet that I made.



Initially I wanted to use a specific type of polyurethane that would have been perfect: Flexible, ridgid, clear, but in a brownish, skin toned colour. But with a kg price of 60€ and more – nope! So I decided to use the mold silicone that we have in stock at the Synthetic materials workshop at the Bauhaus Uni WeimarIn the end it´s been perfect since I decided to pour in a cut up cable envelopment.

Since the backpack wasn´t quite done for our final design acting workshop we were able to use it to create the perfect underwater lighting mood! With some blue plastic, an old overhead projector and the silicone sheet we created this:

by Marko Schmidt_7_2014(24)

Variation of the moving Part – Vibrating Motor

First tests with a vibrating motor:


  • needs some more unbalanced mass that the vibration is more powerful
  • little case for the motor that the strings getting not entangeled

_MG_0078_web _MG_0068_web

Second tests with costume:

  • the costume could have a seperate cape
  • the cape has maybe 2 “layers” – one for the strings and one for the motors
  • so the motors cannot get entrangeled with the strings (and can be as big as it needs)
  • the motors will vibrate the whole surface

_MG_0097_web _MG_0102_web _MG_0100_web



Constructing the Form for the Octupus Head

We want to construct the head of the Octopus with a (semi)transparent illuminated brain part. Therefore we will use the following  approach: some thin transparent plastic is heated and then pressed against a massive form. The result will be the half of the form pressed against the plastic disk. So we will have two halves,each of one side of the form.

We decided to take  clay as material for the form. So here are some pictures of the result from a three hour pottery session  of Dilek and me.

IMG_20140524_135844 IMG_20140524_135824 IMG_20140524_135749 IMG_20140524_135735 IMG_20140524_135727 IMG_20140524_135715 IMG_20140524_135707


So our result will be a transparent plastic helmet, which we can then design. We are already sure that in the back of the helmet will be drilled many small holes to prevent the actor from sweating to death.

Bodystorming Session

The collection of objects & materials we used
The collection of objects & materials we used
Captain Nemo & the Octopus are fighting
Captain Nemo & the Octopus are fighting

In order to inform our design ideas we made a bodystomring session. Everybody brought objects & materials with him/ her that could help to get more inspiration for our costume ideas of

  • captain Nemo,
  • a diving suit for the crew member and
  • the sea creature.

It was a funny afternoon that enabled us in some points to figure out whether some ideas could work for the final costume prototypes or not.




Captain Nemo, version 1
Captain Nemo, version 1
Captain Nemo, version 2
Captain Nemo, version 2
Captain Nemo, version 3
Captain Nemo, version 3


Diving Suit, front view
Diving Suit, front view
Diving Suit, back view
Diving Suit, back view
Sketching ideas for the diving suit
Sketching ideas for the diving suit
Assembling the octopus' arms
Assembling the octopus’ arms
Enlarge the octopus' head
Enlarge the octopus’ head
The octopus
The octopus


The Story by Jules Verne: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (French: Vingt mille lieues sous les mers) is a classic science fiction novel by French writer Jules Verne published in 1870. It tells the story of Captain Nemo and his submarine Nautilus, as seen from the perspective of Professor Pierre Aronnax after he, his servant Conseil, and Canadian harpoonist Ned Land wash up on their ship. On the Nautilus, the three embark on a journey which has them going all around the world. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We, the team HEMASU chose to pick out the Nautilus´CREW. The interacitve costume we will create this semester is suppose to be worn by one of Nemo´s comrades. We specifically aim to built a suit that is also suitable for diving in the deep sea.

To get a clear vision of the crew I picked out some quotes from the original text by Jules Verne. I´m sorry that they are all in german. – I wrote an english summary at the end.

Die Mannschaft

S.64 – Kleidung, Sprache, Nationalität

Die beiden Unbekannten, mit Mützen von Seeotterfell und in Seestiefeln von Robbenfell, trugen Kleider von einem besonderen Gewebe, die große Freiheit der Bewegungen gestatteten. Der größere von beiden, offenbar der Anführer der Leute an Bord, prüfte uns mit größter Achtsamkeit, ohne ein Wort zu reden. Darauf besprach er sich mit seinem Gefährten in einer Sprache, die mir nicht bekannt war. Es war ein volltönender, harmonischer, biegsamer Dialekt mit sehr verschiedenartiger Betonung.

S.67 – Nationalität, Urteil zum „Typ“ Mensch

Seien Sie so freundlich zu warten, um mir ein Urteil über den Kommandanten und die Mannschaft dieses Fahrzeugs zu bilden.« »Ich bin mit meinem Urteil fertig«, versetzte Ned Land. »Es sind Schurken …« »Gut! Und aus welchem Land?« »Aus dem Schurkenland!« »Wackerer Ned, dieses Land ist auf den Karten noch nicht ge­nügend bestimmt, und ich gestehe, daß die Nationalität der bei­den Unbekannten schwer zu ermitteln ist! Weder Engländer noch Franzosen, noch Deutsche, das ist alles, was man bis jetzt sagen kann. Doch möchte ich annehmen, daß die beiden einer südlichen Breite angehören, sie haben etwas Südliches in ihrem Wesen. Aber ob Spanier, Türken, Araber oder Inder, läßt sich aus ihrem physi­schen Typus noch nicht ermessen. Ihre Sprache ist völlig unver­ständlich.«

S.68 – „Typ“Mensch, Bildung

Unterdessen hatte der Steward – stumm, vielleicht auch taub – den Tisch gedeckt und drei Gedecke aufge­setzt. Ge­wiß hatten wir’s mit Leuten von Bildung zu tun, und hätte uns nicht das elektrische Licht umstrahlt, so hätte ich geglaubt, im Speisesaal des Hotels Adelphi zu Liverpool oder des Grand-Hotels zu Paris zu sein.

S.87 – Essen

Auf Nahrungsmittel von der Erde habe ich lange verzichtet, und befinde mich darum nicht übler. Meine kräf­tige Mannschaft genießt dieselbe Nahrung wie ich.«

S.120 – Anzahl, Roboter?

Ich habe nicht einmal die Mannschaft des Boots gesehen. Sollte sie vielleicht auch elektrisch sein?« »Sie können mir nicht sagen, wieviel Mann an Bord sind? 10? 20? 50? 100?« »Ich kann darauf keine Antwort geben, Meister Land.

S.140 – Körpergröße

Kapitän Nemo, einer seiner Gefährten – eine herkulische Ge­stalt von außerordentlicher Körperkraft – Conseil und ich zogen rasch die Kleidung an.

S.205 – Kommunikation

Und er drückte auf einen elektrischen Knopf, wodurch er an seine Mannschaft den Befehl gelangen ließ.

S.207 – Fleiß, Arbeit

So verging die Nacht, ohne daß die Mannschaft von ihrer gewöhnlichen Untätigkeit ab­ließ. Sie kümmerte sich um die Anwesenheit dieser Kannibalen so wenig, als die Soldaten eines festen Platzes um die Ameisen, die über seine Bollwerke laufen.


Ich vermutete, die Mannschaft sei mit inneren Reparaturen beschäftigt, die durch die Heftigkeit der mechanischen Bewegungen der Maschine notwendig gewor­den


Ein Teil der Mannschaft mit Skaphandern gepanzert, war beschäf­tigt, halb verfaulte Fässer abzuräumen und Kisten zu leeren in­mitten des schwarzen Strandgutes.

S.364 – Anzahl

»Wieviel Mann glauben Sie, daß sich an Bord der ›Nautilus‹ be­finden?« »Ich wüßte es nicht zu sagen, mein Freund.« »Es scheint mir«, versetzte Ned Land, »sein Manövrieren erfor­dert keine große Mannschaft.«

S.448 – Beziehung

Kapitän Nemo, in Blut gebadet, unbeweglich neben dem Fa­nal, sah ins Meer hinaus, das einen seiner Gefährten verschlungen hatte, und dicke Tränen quollen aus seinen Augen. Ich hatte also einen Heimatgenossen unter der Kapitän Nemo mit Leib und Seele verbundenen Mannschaft! War er der einzige Repräsentant Frankreichs in der aus verschiedenen Nationalitäten gemischten Gesellschaft? Ein ungelöstes Rätsel, das mich unabläs­sig quälte. –> Nemo liebt seine Mannschaft. Wie Familienmitglied?


S. 128

Ich zog alsbald meine Byssuskleider an. Über die Beschaffen­heit dieses Stoffs machte Conseil öfters seine Bemerkungen. Ich belehrte ihn nun, daß er aus den glänzenden seidenartigen Fasern gemacht sei, womit eine Art an den Ufern des Mittelmeers sehr häufiger Muscheln an die Felsen geheftet ist. Früher bereitete man daraus schöne Zeuge, Strümpfe, Handschuhe, denn sie waren zu­gleich kernhaft und sehr warm. Die Mannschaft der ›Nautilus‹ ließ sich darin billig kleiden, und man konnte die Baumwolle, Schafe und Seidenwürmer der Oberwelt entbehren.


Ich ging wieder in mein Zimmer und kleidete mich rasch an: Seestiefel, Ottermütze, Reiserock von Byssus mit Robbenfell gefüt­tert.

Was ist Byssus?

Der Taucheranzug

S.139 f
_ schwer, undurchdringlichen, aus Kautschuk gefertigt
_ halten Druck aus
_ eine Rüstung, geschmeidig und widerstandsfähig zugleich
_ Hosen und Weste, durch Kupferplättchen geschützt, die der Brust zum Panzer dienten, um den Druck des Wassers auszuhalten und den Lungen ihre freie Tätigkeit zu sichern
_ dichten Fußbekleidung, mit schweren Bleisohlen besetzt
_ geschmeidigen Handschuhen, welche die Handbewegung nicht hinderten
_ Kleidung endigt oben in ein kupfernes, schraubenartig ausgebohrtes Halsband, worauf der metallene Helm eingeschraubt wird. Drei mit dicken Gläsern versehene Löcher gestatteten nach allen Richtungen zu sehen.
_ auf Rücken befestigten Apparate Rouquayrol fangen ihre Tätigkeit an, für das Atmen
_ Ruhmkorffsche Lampe am Gürtel


Summary – Crew

There are almost no specific, defined descriptions of Nemo´s crew. But it is possible to read a lot of information in the view mentioned parts. The crew must consist of a minimum of 12 members, all men, all from several different countries. They seem to all have a “southern” touch, but it is not clear from exactly where since the language they use to communicate with one another is unknown to scientist Aronnax. They execute any task that needs to be done on the Nautilus: Repair work, cloth making, cooking, hunting, collecting items from the sea, etc.
 Nemo wears the cloth made of the same type of material that the crew wears. Also do they all eat the same food they derive from the sea. It must be healthy protein rich food since Nemo describes his crew to be strong. Especially one of his comrades looks like Herkules and is equally strong.

Sure is that the crew respect Captain Nemo completely. They come when called, they execute any task given to them. Maybe they even love Nemo. He certainly is bound to them with his heart and soul. When one of his comrades dies in an attac, Nemo starts crying in blank despair.

as for their clothing:

It´s made by elements from the sea. Caps made from sea otter, boots made for water from sealskin, and clothes made from fabric that allows good movements. This fabric he is talking about is called Byssus, made from mussels. It´s similar to silk. The crew makes clothes such as gloves or a coat insulated with sealfur with this type of textile.

Certainly we have to take into consideration that all the clothes are made from textiles/ materials found in the sea. But nonetheless we decided to have the play take place in a distant future, even in fictional world. So we do not have to take Jules Verne´s descriptions literally.


The Octopus – Mechanical Design of the Tentacles

To move the two motorized tentacles I developed a proof of concept and on this basis two approaches to realize the movement.

A possible problem could be the weight of the tentacle, but since we have no real scaled tentacle yet, this is just a guess. An actual problem is the movement of the tentacle. If the soul torques to much we won’t get a nice movement, but a twisted mess.

Proof of Concept


  • flexible tube (6mm)
  • flexible tube (10mm)
  • some wooden discs
  • steel cable
  • ground plane

(image will follow)

By pulling the steel cables the tentacle moves in the desired direction. The flexible tube torques to much so the movement is limited to a small percentage, until the tentacle twists. For that reason I was searching for other materials as soul for the tentacle. This prototype is not pretty but functional ;).

Approach 1 – Steel Cable


  • steel cable 1 m
  • some wooden discs
  • Aramid fiber thread
  • cord strain relief grips.

(video will follow)
For this approach we used a 4 mm steel cable as soul for the octopus. Furthermore we replaced the flexible tube spacers by cord strain relief grips. The wooden discs have different sizes because we just used some leftover wood.  But the result was still not perfect, because the steel cables torques to much.

Tentacle with Steel Cable as Soul - Smooth Curve
Tentacle with Steel Cable as Soul – Smooth Curve

Tentacle with Steel Cable - Detail View
Tentacle with Steel Cable – Detail View

Approach 2 – Bicycle Chain Link

(video will follow)

  • aluminium bars 5.5 cm
  • some wooden discs
  • Aramid fiber thread
  • cord strain relief grips.
  • bicycle chain links
  • some screws and nuts M3

The next idea was to use bicycle chain links to avoid the torsion. Therefore I drilled two holes with 90 degree skew at both ends of a small aluminium pipe. Next I screwed small bicycle chain links to it.

The wooden discs with the cord strain relief grips were attached to the aluminium bar, followed by the next bicycle chain link.

Aluminium Bar with Bicycle Chain Link
Aluminium Bar with Bicycle Chain Link

The result looks promising:

Bicycle Chain Link Tentacle
Bicycle Chain Link Tentacle

But the movement was really disappointing. It was neither smooth curved nor naturally. In retrospect this result is logical. The single chain links have no resistance along the axes so they just move in an acute angle.

Acute Angle Bend
Acute Angle Bend
Unnatural Bend of the Bicycle Chain Link Tentacle







Complete bending results in a total mess:

Complete Bending of the Bicycle Chain Link Tentacle
Complete Bending of the Bicycle Chain Link Tentacle


Next I will go back to approach one. Since this approach creates a smooth curve, but torques to much the idea is to use a flexible shaft to reduce the torsion to a minimum.


Approach 1.5 – Flexible Shaft


Since the company GEMO sent us free samples of flexible shafts with a diameter of 4 mm and 5 mm we test them as soul for our tentacles. The results are quite good, so that we will use the flexible shafts and not the steel cable. The main advantage is that the flexible shafts have no twist and can’t torque. So a better controllable movement is possible.



Puffer fish for protection

As can be seen from the above movie, The puffer fish use a method to protect itself from danger, using the same concept in mind, it could be used for our own costume to built as a protection of captain Nemo the puff protection system could be used on the shoulder, but we will test it out if this idea would work or not.