potential solutions for the smoking costume

  • Tiny FX fog maschine

“The smallest fog machine of the world!” (L = 9,8 cm, B = 4,4 cm, H = 3,4 cm), but is very expensiv (819,-€) and doesn’t produce enough smoke-pressure.



  • ‘Smoke EL’

That is something from a modell airplane. It produces 1,5 minutes of constant smoke, uses 1600mAh batteries, 150mL of RedOil smoke liquid and is it a other option next to normal fog maschines, with a higher pressure.



  • ‘Norbert Klima Rakentenmodellbau’

That are very cheap Smoke Pellets, but they need to be set on fire.
Because they are get really hot, you need for example a large tin with another smaller one in it for the insulated. To distribute the smoke, a ventilator would be good.

picture: Susann Luge
picture: Susann Luge
picture: Susann Luge
picture: Susann Luge



For the pipe you can use tube from the building supplies store, but it must be heat-resistent and the tube should not sit directly on the fog mashine so that the machine gets air.
The smoke can flow well, when the tube has a diameter of 4 cm and more.

About Susann

After kites, hotairballons and parts of an airship now something delicate like a theater costume under my sewing machine – super, as long as I do not have to crochet or knit! I'm a Computer Science & Media student at the Bauhaus university Weimar.