Disembodied Performance

Original: Disembodied Performance / MIT Laboratory / CHI 2009, Boston MA USA

Authors:  Peter A. Torpey , Elena N. Jessop

Keywords:  Disembodied Performance, theater, visualization, physiological sensors


Disembodied Performance by Peter A. Torpey and Elena N. Jessop informs about a prospective way of theater and acting. Including Sensor Systems, Robots and the technology of mapping Torpey, Jessop and the Director Tod Machover developed the opera Death and the Powers. The  main character Simon Powers (or the actor James Maddalena)  can control parts of the stage by his behavior shown as light, sound, movements and other projected images. This kind of performance will be part of the Future of Theaters.

Main Contents:

The Paper „Disembodied Performance“ explains a new way of staging and performance. Using the example of Tod Machover’s Opera Death and the Powers is shown how futuristic theater can look like. In combination with sensor technologies and mapping the actor is in an absolut new situation. Off-stage he is acting and and gesturing in connection with Distance- , Pressure- , Sound- and other sensors. So his role is transfered by the technic of mapping and tracking. In case of Simon Powers, the main character of Death and Powers, the character is translated into the walls and robots on the stage. Part is that Powers dies at the beginning of the story and his Personality is going to be live into the robots. Here becomes a visual language and the actor keeps contact with the other characters. Light, Sound, robots and projecting images expresses the mood of the actor and visualize this on stage.

The Performance contains the following points: Performance Data, Affect Space and On-stage representation. Disembodied Performance adapts ideas from affective psychology, cognitive science, and the theatrical tradition to create a structure for thinking about the translation of stage presence. Fact is that this system or this kind of presence on the stage opens the door to acting and allows actors to be virtual. So, a new way of storytelling develops.