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Data Gathering Techniques

Rogers, Y., Sharp, H., Preece, J. Interaction design : beyond human-computer interaction. 3rd ed., Wiley, 2011,  p. 222-268.

Technique Definition Kind of data Relevance to our project
Interviews “Conversation with purpose” Mostly Qualitative Some Quantitative Exploring issues
Unstructured Exploratory Conversation around one topic,Questions are open. Qualitative Can be used to explore the range of opinions, good for deeper understanding of the topic.→ first questions to the actors
Structured Predetermined conversation with reproducible course. Questions are closed, short and clearly worded. Every participant is asked the same and in the same order. Qualitative and Quantitative Working well when people are in a rush since they only need to answer specific questions.→ actors and audience after seeing play.
Semi-structured A guided conversation to cover the same topics with each participant Questions are open and closed. Interviewer follows a framework of questions but can react to the participants individually. Qualitative and Quantitative Is able to explore deeper questions as well as to cover certain topics→ best way to track down experience of actors and experts (director, stage designer)
Focus Groups Conversation of a small group guided by one trained facilitator. Participants represent target population. Questions are open and lead to a flexible discussion with agenda that it follows. Mostly Qualitative Some Quantitative Collecting multiple viewpoints, explores also sensitive or diverse questions, good for community issues. Encourages contact between developers and actors.→ overview of actors opinions, group experience
Questionnaires Use closed or open questions to collect demographic data and users’ opinions. Qualitative and Quantitative Getting Answer to specific questions from a large group of people, useful to confirming the conclusions.→ audience after watching the play
Observation Paying close attention to the users in order to gather data required. Qualitative and Quantitative Gathering data at different/any stage during the development of the play.
In the field Getting a full and true story through observing what the users are doing or how to achieve a task in their natural environment Mostly Qualitative Filling in details and nuances in that are not elicited from the other forms of investigation.→ actors during the rehearsals; creators when designing the play; audience when watching the play
Controlled environment Monitoring users within “a purpose-built usability laboratory” (what they are doing is within an artificial situation) Qualitative and Quantitative Researching on the details of what individuals do in the laboratory.→ inviting actors to the laboratory to test equipment; inviting audience to the rehearsals
Indirect Collecting material to analyze later.Useful to tracking users’ activities that cannot be present over the duration of the study.Diaries (=notes), interaction logs, photos and videos are several main techniques. Qualitative and Quantitative Collecting data about the development of the play.→ creators take notes of their activities on a regular basis; instrumenting the software to record users’ activity in a log; video-recording during rehearsals and plays
Direct Instantly observing situations and taking notes etc.Making analysis suddenly. Qualitative and Quantitative Collecting data about certain situations.→ observing and taking notes about the reaction of actors in rehearsal; the reaction of audience during the play