Nicht's leichter als das!

As our bridge is coming along we are trying to find parameters in the calculations we make. We are trying to draw conclusions which will help us as we build the actual prototype.

Today we’ve tried a more detailed 3D-calculation in addition to the one made in 2D. Now we get a better impression for the construction which was suggested by the SKO-solver. Compared to the organic look from the first calculation, it’s now possible to see more detailed braces of the connections.

After multiple calculations in CAD (Rhino/Grasshopper) is this construction the outcome. We don’t know if we are going to copy the entire construction when we are building it in wood. Perhaps we don’t going the construct the upper bow at the beginning of the lowest fixation point. We think that this bow is only useful if the construction is made out one piece and not out of multiple wooden sticks.