Abandon me not

An invitation to travel in time, find traces and help argue against the demolition of Minnette de Silva’s First built project


Abandon-me-not is a game that invites architecture and design students to discuss broader themes related to ‘value’ in the context of heritage, preservation and transformation debates.

The Game looks at alternative ways of dealing with the complex pasts of the building and histories of architects such as Minnette De Silva, whose works lack a proper archive. With a mix of short Narratives and a visual component in the form of a game board with illustrations, students, teachers, and enthusiasts can travel back in time and reconstruct narratives. In so doing, they discover how design decisions and questions of value come together.

Like most other houses, De Silva’s first house, the Karunaratne House, is abandoned. Currently, there is no place to discuss its complex past, and why it matters, so you and your playmates are tasked with travelling in time and finding ways to make present this house and the events surrounding it. Discuss, argue, collaborate and find ways to make some of this building’s elements matter in/for current discussions.

Story set-up:

Back in 1947 – a turning point.

           Not only for Sri Lanka, as it got its independence after about 300 years of colonisation, but also for Minnette de Silva, who had just moved from the West (England, where she studied) to the East (Sri Lanka, her country of origin): it is the moment in which Minnette tries to bind her past with her western education, and the feeling of coming back to her place of origin.1947 is also the year in which the construction of this house started, her first ever project.


       In 1947, What did it mean to be a female architect in a South Asian country that had just become independent? How did DesSilva’s western education, gained at AA London, inspire or discourage how she thought about regional practice? Was she able to connect with the local community in Kandy?


Back to today, at present, the K house is abandoned. Why was this house abandened? What is the role of Heritage Authorities?

How to play:

The game is ideally played by 2 to 6 players, if more of you would like to play, we suggest teaming up. It is also possible to play alone and discover Minnette’s life and work on your own!

  1. The game board contains a drawing of the Karunartne House. Notice the marked elements on the board. Each of them is associated with 3 missing cards. These cards make up a sub-story. Work together and assemble the sub-stories while associating them with the marked building elements!
  2. Start by shuffling the cards. The first player/team should take one card from the deck and place it next to the marked element they think it corresponds to.
  3. Notice that next to each marked element, there is space for 3 cards. The 3 cards belong to 3 different card types. Place them in the correct order to find out the sub-story.

           card types

                      abc …                                [start card]

                      def …                            [middle card]

                      ghi                                              [end card]


           In 1947, Minnette de Silva …        [start card]

           … designed …                                          [middle card]

           … her first house.                         [end card]

  1. By placing one card you get +1 point. By choosing not to play the card you got from the deck, you get +0 points; however, you can save the card and use it later. If you place it correctly, you still get +1 point.
  2. If you think one card is not placed correctly, you should discuss it with your play mates. If they agree and the card is placed correctly, you get +2 points.
  3. You will find the answer sheet at the end of the play book.