Agustin Genoud works as a performer, musician and scholar (National University for the Arts) in the fields of contemporary voice, performance, post-humanism; new media. He graduated as a media artist and finished a postgraduate degree in data science; AI. He was in residence and performed at Sonandes Sound Art International Biennal Bolivia/ Music Makers Hack Lab – CTM Festival Berlin / The Wrong International Biennal / Tsonami Sound Art Festival Chile / FIME Sao Pablo / Metabody Symposium Chile / New Materialisms Symposium / Colón Theatre Experimental Centre / Terén pole performativního umění Brno, among others.

Florencia Curci works as a sound and radio artist, performer and curator. She completed her postgraduate studies in Expanded Music at the UNSAM University, and the Artists’ Program of the Torcuato di Tella University. Since 2017 she is Director of CASo (Sound Art Center), an institution dependent on the Ministry of Culture of Argentina promoting artistic research on sound, experimental music and social acoustics. In 2020 she founded Radio CASo as an online páramo in which to congregate during the pandemic. Her work was commissioned by KunstRadio, AMEE, CA2M (Madrid), Centro Cultural Kirchner (Arg) and her live performances were presented in Festival Aural (MX), MediaLab Prado (Madrid), Tsonami Sound Art Festival (Chile), among others.