When I began Rubedo I didn’t have any idea.
I was attracted by the name “Rubedo”, something about red,
the colour of love and passion.
Then I knew Rubedo is a process about creativity.
Since I was a child, I Knew to be an artist, but soon I understood I also was a woman
and I was born not in the same era of Giotto.
No atelier for me, no a life completely dedicated to Art.
I tried to take together many things:
love, son and daughters, job, independence, art.
Professors and teachers told me that it was easy to be artist for women now:
no discrimination problems anymore.
If I wasn’t successful it was only my responsibility:
I wasn’t good enough, simply. I believed it for long time.
During Rubedo the feeling of my value increased more and more.
Apparently nothing happened: some online meetings,
breathing deeply with near and far people,
shared words and images, lit flames, talking with my ancestors.
Then I left for a trip to Weimar,
across desolate plains of an unknown scaring Europe.
At the beginning there were only dark images in my mind,
dreams like nightmares, old fears, horrible memories left me awake many nights.
My Guide said it was regular. It was exactly the process I had to expect:
going into a obscure cave would be the first step,
but we were together, I wasn’t alone, so no fear and keep on going!
Rubedo is working while I live my normal life. I feel the effects of this alchemistic process and I don’t know where it will bring me.
Mariarosa Pappalettera (Bari, Apulia, Italy)