Die Vermessung des Alltags

Living in a standardized world raises questions about how much space there is for other voices, positions, and practices within this normative environment. How do non-standards become standards, and how can artistic and architectural practices emancipate themselves within such contexts? How can art challenge and inform architectural standards that have been established for centuries?

The project "Die Vermessung des Alltags" was part of the Bauhaus semester and aimed to organize and moderate a "Critical Train of Thought" during a congress at one of the decentralized, historical sites in Weimar. The project team visited the Neufert House, located three kilometers from Weimar, through an extraordinary bus journey and filled the visit with performative city and house tours, as well as on-site presentations, exhibitions, and events.


Contributors in the Bauhaus Summer Semester 2019: Natalia Chávez-Hoffmeister - Diego Carvallo - Thorsten Dorn - Cosmo Hartung - Farina Kerner - Celine Lösche (students from the fields of LAK and Architecture/Urbanism)

Project Leadership: Francis Zeischegg

Design and Realization of the Brochure: the project team

© copyright – all rights reserved

The brochure is available at the Faculty of Art and Design in the Art / Art Education Secretariat (and from Francis Zeischegg).


Faculty of Art and Design

Francis Zeischegg
Visual Artist

Artistic Practice (Art Education for High Schools)
Taught at the Bauhaus University-Weimar from 2009 to 2022

E-mail: mail[at]franciszeischegg.de