
The aim of the Bauhaus module is to develop a performative architectonics under the aspect of continuous change: a movement work that is captured in a film. perma.change is an interdisciplinary project at the interface of architecture, sound and movement and, in addition to the established introductory course, a performative design and movement course, a further opportunity to sensitize students at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar to body movement and dance in order to promote associations with flexible strategies in the design of design ideas.

In addition to movement in space, graphic notations of movement offer design approaches. The notations of movement in space used by Rudolf von Laban are exemplary for our course. Laban uses the relationship of the human body to space by depicting it in a kinesphere. In doing so, he shows the space surrounding the moving body in an icosahedron. With kinetography, known as Laban notation, a graphic description of movements in space used by Laban since 1928, the movements in three-dimensional space can be noted and used as design inspiration.


Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism

Dr. Ing. Luise Nerlich

Lecturer and project manager at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar,
Acting Head of the Chair of Building Design

Phone: +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 31 49

E-mail: luise.nerlich[at]uni-weimar.de