How would our environment change?
would we shape it with our ears?
What insights would we gain?
would listening be the starting point for our questions and explorations?
Would we understand our current global problems differently?
communicate with each other differently?
What would our future cities look like
if they were also conceived, designed and shaped acoustically?
What would our politics and society be like?

The Bauhaus.Listening.School invites interdisciplinary reflection and practical experience of these and other questions relating to listening. Because the acoustic shapes our built and designed environments just as much as the visual and material. Correct listening is a prerequisite for any successful communication, the ear orients us in space and time and is crucial for our identity formation. And yet listening knowledge has not yet found its way into education and society.

Just as the classic Bauhaus developed theories of color and form for communication and design that are still valid today, the Bauhaus.Listening.School represents a basic theory that examines acoustic spheres and the ear as a sensory organ for environmental design, world perception and self-knowledge.

Here, practical exercises and methods of listening and mindfulness are combined with scientific findings and theories. By interweaving with other disciplines, the School of Listening aims to derive new formats, models and products that specifically address the role of the cultural technique of listening for artistic production, design and construction, as well as its responsibility and potential for social change.

In this sense, the School of Listening as a sensual and meaningful practice would like to resume the historical preliminary course at the Bauhaus in an updated and realigned form. As a basis for all disciplines, it thus makes a contribution to training future social designers to be creative in the world, enabling them to take responsibility, cooperate, self-discovery and self-criticism.

Because listening is first and foremost a practice, a basic skill that can only be deepened through regular practice. And it is ultimately a conscious attitude towards life, an inner attitude - towards oneself, other living beings and the environment.



Faculty of Art and Design

Prof. Nathalie Singer
Experimental Radio

Tel: +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 38 90
E-mail: nathalie.singer[at]

"The aim is to return to the resonance of being or to being as resonance or to open up to it. 'Silence' must actually make itself heard here, not as a privation but as a disposition to resonance."  
Jean-Luc Nancy