
Perma.Change is an interdisciplinary project at the interface of architecture, sound and movement.

Following the established introductory course, a performative design and movement course, students at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar are sensitized to body movement and dance in a series of workshops in order to promote associations with flexible strategies in the development of design ideas.

Realized concepts, so-called micro-architectures, are then used for a scenographic setting in which the students act together choreographically. The object of investigation is the handling of the designed objects and spatial considerations, which provide the impetus for choreographic experimental arrangements for a "performative architectonics". The places where the stages are present as a space of performative architectonics are of various kinds: in the students' workrooms, on campus, but also in parking garages or in the open air on the island of Hiddensee.

As the work is a process over the course of the semester, the students pass on their knowledge of spatial perception and site observation, but also of joining and assembly, to the next, younger students.

Classically, the project is conceived in four phases:
Phase 1 is the performative introductory course, a synchronization of different patterns of experience and perception.

Phase 2 consists of workshops on body movement to discover one's own movement potential and to try out, analyze and train awareness of effective positioning in space.

In phase 3, micro-architectures are designed.

The planning and realization of flexible and variable objects and spatial solutions in the juxtaposition of dance/body movement and building form are processes that are classically taught in architectural training.

In the 4th phase, the stages are performed:

After realization, the micro-architectures are used in a choreographic and scenographic setting in w hich the students act together and practice choreographic experimental arrangements.

Introductory course, movement workshop and design studio, workshop work and stage performances characterize the diversity of the interdisciplinary methodology that perma.change puts to the test in an exemplary manner.



Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism

Dr. Ing. Luise Nerlich

Lecturer and project manager at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar,

Acting Head of the Chair of Building Design

Phone: +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 31 49

E-mail: luise.nerlich[at]