27.02. – 08.03.2025

Hi there! – Getting in touch …

Hi there! – Getting in touch …

**Course information is only available in English.**

Cities are (and will be) places of intense coexistence, close cohabitation and clash of cultural practices. People will keep moving to cities and living in cities in the future. Attracted by diverse urban offers and opportunities for pluralistic integration and at the same time individual development and everyday life in attractive surroundings, there are still quite a few who initially overlook the fact that a city’s density challenges its residents: it has to be endured and (maybe?) needs to be designed. 

Getting in touch is key for the city’s story of success: only the concentrated and spatially close cooperation of different actors and processes, makes the creative melting pot bubble and a preferred living environment. And only through the overall integration of urban society the potential and opportunities of the urban environment for innovation, communication and differentiated lifestyles can be implemented.

But where and how do we get in touch? Are there specific spatial or programmatic settings which are particularly fruitful when it comes to the question of what can be drivers of living together in cities? Maybe even all across Europe or world wide? The kiosk, for instance?

This course includes an attendance phase in Weimar from March 23 to April 01, 2023.

Dorothee Rummel, architect and urban planner

Jun.-Prof. Urban and Regional Design / Stadt Raum Entwerfen at the Faculty for Architecture and Urbanism, Bauhaus Universität Weimar since Jan. 2022. Has been teaching and researching at Technical University Munich (TUM) from 2011-2021 at the Chair for Sustainable Urbanism. PhD in 2016 about left over spaces in cities at KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology). Studied architecture and urban design at KIT, UC Berkeley, UdK Berlin.

Focus areas:

Left over spaces in cities


Public Mental Health and Urban Design

Environment and Society and Urban Design


Der Kurs fand im Jahr 2023 statt.


Die Kurssprache ist Englisch.