27.02. – 08.03.2025

Humans in the city: stories behind faces.

Humans in the city: stories behind faces.

**Course information is only available in English.**

Humans in the city: stories behind faces: this course will explore aspects of visual storytelling. A multimedia (photography + audio + video ) art project will be produced at the end of the course, which will teach participants about photo-stories and audiovisual stories focused on environmental portraiture and audio testimonies and will make participants explore social issues such as migration, gender equality, cultural identity, etc.

The course will be divided into 2 parts: theory and practice. In the theoretical online sessions students will explore aspects of visual story telling. They will be introduced to
photo-stories and audio-visual stories focused on environmental portraiture and audio testimonies. International and local students will learn interview techniques and how to create portrait series and develop them into experimental multimedia storytelling. Students will complete short assignments in preparation for the final production stage in Weimar.

This course includes an attendance phase in Weimar from March 14 to March 23, 2024.

Studierende werden über Elemente des audiovisuellen Storytellings, Umweltporträts, Interviewtechniken und die verschiedenen Phasen von Multimedia-Produktionen lernen. Im Zuge ihrer Projektarbeit werden Teilnehmende ein aktuelles Thema ihrer Wahl erforschen. 

Bachelor-, Master und Ph.D.-Studierende, die Grundkenntnisse in Fotografie und Filmgestaltung besitzen. 

Aysegül Selenga Taskent
Preisgekrönte Dokumentarfilmemacherin
1977, Ankara, TURKEY
MA Media Study, Southampton Institute SOLENT, UK
MFA Media Arts Production, State University of New York at
Buffalo, USA

Delizia Flaccavento
Dokumentarfotografin und -filmproduzentin
1973, Ragusa, Italy
BA Philosophy, University of Pisa, Italy
MA Visual Communication, Ohio University, USA

This course will explore aspects of visual storytelling. A multimedia (photography + audio + video) art project will be produced at the end of the course, which will teach participants about photo-stories and audio-visual stories focused on environmental portraiture and audio testimonies and will make participants explore social issues such as migration, gender equality, cultural identity, etc.


Die Kurssprache ist Englisch. 

Der Blended-Kurs fand im Jahr 2024 statt