14/03 – 23/03/2024

Bauhaus Spring School

Bauhaus Spring School

The Bauhaus Spring School

... stands for the international blended (one online and one face-to-face phase) short-term programme of the Bauhaus Universität Weimar with the main focus on:

  • Architecture | Urbanism
  • Art | Design
  • Culture | Media
  • Engineering | Environment

The courses are taught by lecturers from the Bauhaus University Weimar. The courses are aimed primarily for students of the partner universities and the Bauhaus University Weimar. an excellent opportunity to get to know the Bauhaus Universität Weimar,

to establish international networks and to acquire (extra)technical skills. Take advantage of this opportunity!

... is a source of inspiration and an unforgettable experience for life,

The experience you will gain by participating in the Bauhaus Spring School will give you new ideas and enrich your life. Let it inspire you!

...a chance to complete an international course in a short time.

The combination of online learning and a presence phase makes it possible to work intensively on a topic from home but also to complete a mini semester abroad at the same time.

Would you like to learn more? Discover the diverse programme of courses and events offered at the Bauhaus Spring School! Experience the beauty of Weimar, the city of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Bauhaus!


You would like a personal advice?

Get in touch with us! We will be happy to help you.

E-Mail: and
Phone: +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 23 59

Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 15
Raum 107
99423 Weimar Germany