In various relevant sites of a chosen city, the students of the Spring School will generate holistic and systemic analysis to further develop green and blue infrastructures, towards a series of various urban interventions at different scales of intervention, addressing contemporary challenges related to current and future climate crises.
In collaboration with the Institute of European Urban Studies (IfEU) at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, the team of teachers (WY-TO) who has decades of practice in their respective studios in Paris and Singapore, will follow these goals:
- Rejuvenating and adapting existing ordinary buildings and structures, especially those inherited from industrial past,
- Creating place-making solutions between communities through inclusive proposals addressing Well-Being for All,
- Advocating climate resilient and biodiversity systems to combat climate change and raise awareness,
- Calibrating a programme that envisions a living urban ecosystem that meets the needs of local population and context.
The workshop programme’s is structured on three phases:
Phase 1: Introductory Presentation
During the online presentations, both WY-TO Group directors, Pauline Gaudry and Yann Follain, will share with the students some of their professional experiences related to the course goal: develop a democratic, inclusive and ecological built environment. They will also give the fundamental basics to understand the methodological approaches of the course.
Phase 2: Case analysis from a site in Thuringia and evaluation with toolkit
With various methodologies, on different scales, group work will take place, to select, analyse and understand the project sites. After developing a challenge statement for their sites, the groups will evaluate them according the “12 principles of Well-being”, an approach, that the teacher developed and implemented in previous research projects.
Phase 3: Strategy and Proposition
At this last phase of the workshop, following diverse feedback, also including some from their peers, groups will be able to develop a strategy and design their proposal in the form of an urban project. Teachers will assist to find an appropriate communication for the presentation during the Open Atelier.
The course at glance
Introductory Presentation > Site Survey > Well-being Evaluation + Solutions Brainstorm > Informal Focus Group Discussion > Refinement > Presentation > Vertical Mix Evaluation
This course includes an attendance phase in Weimar from February 27 to March 08, 2025.