
iAAD 2011 The European Skyscraper II

Fakultät: Architektur, Studiengang: Architektur (M.Sc.)

“At all events, the architecture of skyscrapers is regarded as a development that took place on the other side of the ocean. While most US churches, museums and banks were uninspired reproductions of European ideals, the skyscraper was a native product and a symbol of the American spirit, according to the US architectural critic Claude Bragdon. The direct relationship between this type of building and the American ideology of progress and success is probably an important reason why it is still regarded with such suspicion in Europe.” Robert Kaltenbrunner

Students taking part in this year’s iAAD design project were asked to give thought to the special history of the skyscraper in a European context, the changes taking place in the nature of public function and public space, the relationship between the icon and public space and the spatial principles of organising public functions vertically.




Prof. Karl-Heinz Schmitz, Dipl.-Ing. Nicolas Geißendörfer, Dipl.-Ing. Mathias Klöpfel

Typ der Ausstellung



Belvederer Allee 1b - Kubus - 2.OG

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