Der Kurs richtet sich an alle Altersgruppen und vorzugsweise an Teilnehmende aus den Bereichen Design, Technik, Kunst, Architektur und Management.
Design Thinking: Design Science – Designerly Ways
“Design Thinking: Design Science – Designerly Ways”
Course description available only in English.
The ‘Design Thinking’ short-term course calls for architectural innovation, describing the process of object creation and exploring the process superimposed on another object/creation (could range from an urban space, activity/behavior pattern, or a specific building/structure). The program shall cover Brain Storming Design exercises with respect to Cross Stimulation (Fractionation technique for getting ideas moving), Suspended Judgment (Suggestions by participants with no attempt at evaluation of ideas) and The formality of the Setting (Dividing things into sub-categories and put ting them together in new ways)
The participants will be divided into small groups and each shall be given a random wicked problem to define and look for a holistic solution of the same.
The program shall cover Brain Storming Design exercises with respect to three stages.
- Cross Stimulation (Fractionation technique for getting ideas moving)
- Suspended Judgment (Suggestions with no attempt at evaluation of ideas)
- The formality of the Setting (Dividing things into sub-categories and to put them together in new ways)
Day 1& 2 : Empathize (Modeling and Visualization)
Day 3 & 4 : Define (Mental Imagery)
Day 5 & 6 : Ideate (Reflection in thinking)
Day 7 & 8 : Prototype (Passion & Messiness)
Day 9 & 10 : Test and Implement (Analogies & Simile)
Die Teilnehmende des Kurses sollen die Fähigkeit entwickeln, ein Problem zu definieren und nach spezifischen, ganzheitlichen Lösungen zu suchen. Dies kann sowohl für berufliche Tätigkeiten als auch für ein Hochschulstudium nützlich sein.
Pappal Suneja
- 1993, Ludhiana, Punjab, Indien
- MSc "Design Research", Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau
- Doktorand, Fakultät der Architektur und Urbanistik
Der Kurs fand im Jahr 2024 statt.
Die Kurssprache ist Englisch.