The Bauhaus
Summer School

The Bauhaus Summer School is the international summer programme of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Every year, it offers up to 300 prospective students, undergraduates and graduates from around 70 nations the opportunity to participate in courses focusing on art, architecture, technology, media and languages.

German Courses: 06/08 - 30/08/2025
Application deadline: 15/06

Specialized Courses: 16/08 - 30/08/2025
Application deadline: 01/05



The fourth edition of Bauhaus Spring School took place from February 27 to March 8 - this time with a record participation of 222 participants from…

In January 2025, the joint BIDS project “intro.thüringen” of the three Thurinigian universities Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Universität Erfurt and Tec…

Waiting has come to an end. The courses for Bauhaus Summer School 2025 are online!