06 September 2022

Bauhaus Summer School 2022 successfully finished: see you next year!

The last weeks in Weimar have been very lively; participants from almost 50 nationalities joined Bauhaus Summer School 2023.

The online courses What is Colour? and Design Basics took place already in July. Most of the participants joining language and specialised classes arrived on August 20th and left Weimar last Saturday. Their stay in Weimar was fulfilled with intensive lecturers, excursions and of course memorable parties. As every year, the Summer School participants left with a smile on their face and a tear in the eyes. “It has been one of the best times of my life,” was said by many of them. The international team of lectures admitted that they have never put up such a diverse and interesting exhibition, which was one of the highlights of the program on the last course day, in only two weeks.

Natalia Irina Roman, lecturer of Railway Stories – Artistic Research of the Train Journey has shared her Summer School class story as following:

Unterwegs. по дороге. Καθ ' οδόν. عالطريق. Onderweg. 途中. по дорозі. Pe drum. En route. To be on a journey, moving through space from one point to another. To be a passenger on a train, means to become part of a moment of intimacy in a public space, on a large mechanical vehicle that moves through the panorama of nature. Whether it is the landscape painted in the sky, the hypnotising tracks or the eyes of another that catches your eye, one cannot deny the kinship experienced when moving at a high speed through space together. During a two-week intensive course, 6 artists came together to research and analyse everyday train travel, and work together on projects that question, redefine and deconstruct the experience (Exhibition part of the class Railway Stories, with Dorothy Melander-Dayton (Santa Fe, NM USA), Merel van Altena (The Hague, NL), Eleni Koukou (Athens, Greece), Anna Novak (Chicago, IL USA), Vesper MacKenzie (Northern Ireland), Kwan Sin Mei, Sophia (Hong Kong), on platforms 1&2 and 3&4 and in the tunnel, at Weimar Hauptbahnhof, on September 2nd, 2022).


You would like a personal advice?

Get in touch with us! We will be happy to help you.

E-Mail: springschool@uni-weimar.de and summerschool@uni-weimar.de
Phone: +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 23 59

Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 15
Raum 107
99423 Weimar Germany

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