07 March 2024

Applications now open for NextGen Engineers - Summer School for a Sustainable Tomorrow

Apply now to investigate cutting-edge engineering methods for sustainable development and shape a future of innovation and impact!

Applications now open for NextGen Engineers - Summer School Course for a Sustainable Tomorrow

Exciting opportunities await aspiring engineers as applications are officially open for NextGen Engineers' two-week intensive summer school course, which offers a transformative journey into tackling complex engineering challenges with a focus on sustainability. The course promises a deep dive into specialist civil engineering topics, cutting-edge advances and international exposure.

International expertise & site visits:

Going beyond technical skills, the course provides insights into current research projects and international development trends, encouraging a multidisciplinary approach. Participants will learn from international experts, participate in on-site visits to construction sites and companies, and work on group projects that simulate real-world engineering tasks.

4 reasons to apply:

- Connect with like-minded people: build life-long connections and friendships with other participants who share your passion for sustainable engineering.

- Learn something new: immerse yourself in cutting-edge topics, acquire advanced technical skills and stay ahead of the curve in civil engineering.

- International atmosphere & German culture/tradition: experience an international atmosphere, learn from experts and get to know German culture and traditions during site visits and excursions.

- Make a difference: develop skills to address global challenges, contribute to sustainable development and make a positive impact on the world.


"Blended Intensive Programmes" is a new funding line of the ERASMUS program generation (2021-2027). Through this, the use of innovative learning and teaching methods and the possibilities of online cooperation shall be promoted. 

If your university is a Erasmus-partner university of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, the travel and accommodation costs ("lump sum") of the participants for the course NextGen Engineers can be covered by the International Office of your home university after the admission. The course costs, except for the social programme (75 €), are financed by Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.


You would like a personal advice?

Get in touch with us! We will be happy to help you.

E-Mail: springschool@uni-weimar.de and summerschool@uni-weimar.de
Phone: +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 23 59

Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 15
Raum 107
99423 Weimar Germany

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