17 January 2024

Great news! Applications for our Summer School are now open.

See you in Weimar!

See you in Weimar!

What will be your next Summer School course?

The long-awaited moment has arrived – applications are now open for our upcoming and exciting summer programs. The true highlight of the program is our German Intensive Course,  “Deutsch in Weimar”. There is no better place to learn the German language than Weimar, a city where every corner breathes the spirit of German culture and art. The dynamic classes and the vibrant atmosphere of our Summer School ensure rapid progress in your language learning journey.

In addition to the 3.5-week program “Deutsch in Weimar”, we also offer numerous specialized courses. Undoubtedly, the highlight among the specialist courses is “Strollology”. This course is being offered for the first time and will be taught by the President of the Bauhaus University Weimar, Peter Benz.

If your schedule doesn't allow for a two-week intensive course or if you're looking to enhance your Weimar experience, our crash courses are the perfect solution for you!

For all young people who are thinking about studying in Germany, we have an exclusive program just for you: “Intro.Bauhaus”. This program seamlessly integrates the process of learning German with a sneak peek into student life. The package includes various workshops and additional activities designed to introduce you to the vibrant atmosphere of Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.

The application deadline for specialist courses and “Intro.Bauhaus” is May 1st. Registrations for the language courses are possible until June 15th. Don't miss this opportunity to immerse yourself in language, culture, and unique experiences at our Summer School.


You would like a personal advice?

Get in touch with us! We will be happy to help you.

E-Mail: springschool@uni-weimar.de and summerschool@uni-weimar.de
Phone: +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 23 59

Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 15
Raum 107
99423 Weimar Germany

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Did you miss the deadline?

Apply until June 1st for our specialist courses!

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