the Designer

Rojin is a designer and ex-engineer, currently persueing her bachelor degree in visual communication. When she's not designing stuff you'll find her playing video games, reading or wandering around the city with a sketch book and headphones on. Shoot her an email if you'd like to discuss poetry, share your interpretation of Scheherazade, or if you're Robert Smith.

the Project

This website was developed during the class "Erzähle (dich selbst) mit Code" supervised by Mattis Kuhn, who did a great job introducing a bunch of very confused but very excited graphic designers to coding and encouraged them to use the newly gained knowledge to practice storytellig.

The content was created as a part of the research seminar "Crying Institute" under the supervision of Dr. Birte Kleine-Benne, where the students explored the concept of crying in art history and contemporary art, while also ceating their own "crying material". Check out the blog the participants wrote during the seminar and give them your delicious tears.

The typeface is New Edge 666 Light by Charlotte Rohde.