20th anniversary

November 2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Institute for European Urban Studies (IfEU). Since 2004, the institute has dedicated its teaching and research to urban and rural areas and their interactions. In its anniversary year, the interdisciplinary and international IfEU will be examining its history, present and future. A program of events is planned between April and November 2024 in which everyone involved in the institute - alumni, lecturers, students, employees and partners - can get involved. Anyone interested can send an email to elodie.vittu[at]uni-weimar.de or bring their idea in  person to the institute building (Belvederer Allee 5) at the "Bar4ideas".

The celebrations will begin on Thursday, 11 April 2024 at 1.30 pm in the main building (Oberlichtsaal) with a panel discussion on the term "European Urban Studies", followed at 3 pm by the vernissage of the IfEU showcase with projects from research and teaching and an exhibition of student projects in urban studies  in the foyer. The programme is scheduled to end at around 7pm.

Anniversary program: