The Social Realm of Public Transit Stations
Master Thesis by Aishwarya Chila
Study Programme Integrated Urban Development & Design
In this Master Thesis Aishwarya Chila compares the user experience in 10 subway stations in New York and Mumbai and investigates the relationship between this experience and architectural factors.
The Social Realm of Public Transit Stations - Aishwarya Chile (IUDD Master Thesis, 2020)
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This thesis aims to understand what effects do our public spaces have on the minds of the people and how does one experience the physical setting of these environments. With the aim of understanding sociability of transit stations/ transit hubs, this thesis carefully analyses people’s emotions with respect to waiting at the stations along with what impacts do architectural, urban and environmental features of these spaces have on one’s mind. This study lists five most popular transit stations across each New York City (USA) and Mumbai (India), and intends to conclude by presenting solutions in order to create a better waiting experience and a happier- user friendly environment at transit stations.