
Abdulmalik Abdulmawla

Lecturer & Research Assistant (2016-2023)

Abdulmalik is a Lecturer & Research Assistant at the Chair of Informatics in Architecture (InfAR)at the Bauhaus-University Weimar in Germany. He graduated in architecture and urban planning in 2013 at Dessau International Architecture Graduate School (DIA), Germany. Since 2016, he works at the Bauhaus University Weimar. His main research interest is computational analysis and simulation of urban systems with a focus on the patterns of economic activities in the local urban settings of the city. He was also the Project Coordinator of Discovering Cities project in Amman Jordan in 2018; a DAAD project with the Chair of Social Science Urban Research in the Bauhaus University and The German Jordanian University in Amman, Jordan. Abdulmalik has also taught at the Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, Cairo Egypt, for 2 years (2014-2016). And he has 4 years of Design and Project Management experience in the Middle East (Egypt and UAE) between 2007-2011.

Phone: +49 3643 / 58 4244
e-Mail: abdulmalik.abdulmawla[at]





  • Metabolism-based Planning Strategies for Rural-Urban Transformation in Ethiopia (MSc Weimar 2019 ).
  • Parametric Masterplanning for Emerging 10K cities in Ethiopia SYNCITY I&II (MSc Weimar 2016-2017).

  • Spatial and digital perception design Studio (using different computational environments from Scripting to coding to gaming environments) (BSc Cairo 2014-2016) 



  • Seminars on Parametric Urban Design and Analysis (BSc/ MSc Weimar 2016-2023).
  • Seminars on Algorithmic Architecture (BSc/ MSc Weimar 2016-2018).

  • Seminar on Interactive digital interfaces in architecture (BSc Cairo 2014-2016).


Abdulmawla, A., Bielik, M., Schneider, S., Koenig, R. (2022). Mapping active frontages: a method for linking street-level activities to their surrounding urban forms - A case study of the city of Weimar, Germany. In 2022 International Space Syntax Symposium (13th SSS).

Abdulmawla, A., Schneider, S., Koenig, R., Bielik, M., & Fuchkina, E. (2022). Parametric Urban Data Structuring and Spatial Query-Advanced data mapping and selection methods for parametric modelling environments. In 2022 Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (40th eCAADe).

Bielik, M., König, R., Fuchkina, E., Schneider, S., Abdulmawla, A. (2019). Evolving Configurational Properties: Simulating multiplier effects between land use and movement patterns. In 2019 International Space Syntax Symposium (12th SSS).

Abdulmawla, A., Schneider, S., Bielik, M., König, R. (2018). Integrated Data Analysis for Parametric Design Environment mineR: a Grasshopper plugin based on R. In 2018 Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (36th eCAADe).

Dennemark, M., Schneider, S., König, R., Abdulmawla, A., Donath, D. (2017). Towards a modular design strategy for urban masterplanning - Experiences from a parametric urban design studio on emerging cities in Ethiopia. In 2017 Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (35th eCAADe).

 Schneider, S., Abdulmawla, A., Donath, D. (2017). The Effect Of The Street Network On Movement Patterns And Land Use In Small Cities: A comparative study of three 10K cities in Thuringia, Germany. In 2017 International Space Syntax Symposium (11th SSS).