Victoria Behler
PhD Researcher (Thüringer Gradiuertenförderung)
Victoria is a researcher at the Chair of Computer Science in Architecture at the Bauhaus-University Weimar, Germany. She graduated in 2019 as a M.Sc. in European Urban Studies and as a Diploma Architect in 2015 at the University of Mendoza, Argentina. Her focus is multidisciplinary and aims to construct new knowledge seeing architecture, sociology, and urbanism as comprehensive systems. Her individual research project focuses on socio-spatial interrelation for fostering social cohesion in multicultural cities resultant from forced migration processes. Her main research interest is the data-driven investigation of human behavior (specifically in the topic of social cohesion) in relation to urban form, with the goal to establish evidence for the development of sustainable urban strategies. Additionally, she works as BIM specialist and project architect at architektur.KONTOR in Weimar.
E-Mail: maria.victoria.behler[at]
PhD Project:
2021-2024 The interrelation between social and spatial dimensions of social cohesion in a multicultural context. A study on forced displaced people in an era of migration.