FIVE QUESTIONS: summaery2023-Edition II
Who is Behind This Year’s Opening Event for summaery? To kick off this year’s annual exhibition at the Bauhaus-Universität, Frederik Sukop and Beatrice Girth get to talking about the »Party101 – Claim Your Campus« Bauhaus.Module. Frederik Sukop is one of the instructors of the Module, which is organising the opening event. Beatrice Girth is a Master’s student in Visuelle Kommunikation (Visual Communication) and a graphic designer for summaery2023. Frederik talks about how event management has changed with the introduction of the Bauhaus.Modules and what the »101« stands for as he answers Beatrice’s questions.
Beatrice Girth: Freddy - you are one of the people responsible for organising this year’s opening event?
Frederik Sukop: Yes. I am the support team for this year’s summaery with the »Party101 – Claim Your Campus« Bauhaus.Module. All of the event’s organisation is done by Bauhaus-Universität students and it is very interdisciplinary with individuals from different programmes.
Beatrice Girth: So you just said that the organisation is done by students — has that always been the case? And how long has this Bauhaus.Module existed?
Frederik Sukop: The event has been organised by students for as long as I can remember. Except for maybe 2019, when the event was organised by ZDF@Bauhaus. Other than that, it has always been planned and implemented by students. After the »event break«, we came up with the idea of offering a Bauhaus.Module on organising events, in particular all kinds of cultural events. We thought we would use the opening event of the exhibition as the final project for the Module. And that’s how it came to be. We are now in our second year.
Beatrice Girth: So what has changed?
Frederik Sukop: What has changed? I feel like it has become more organised and a bit more professional. As supervisors of the Module, we are bound to demands of a final project and we have to show a certain amount of professionalism. In the past, it was a bit anarchistic, a bit more chaotic, which was also entertaining. With the Bauhaus.Module, there’s a lot more structure and a lot more people involved with the planning, implementation and organisation.
Beatrice Girth: You mentioned that the Bauhaus.Module is called »Party101«. Party, I get — but why 101?
Frederik Sukop: This comes from the English academic world. 101 refers to the fundamentals, for example, Economics 101. We borrowed this concept because our goal is to teach students the basics of planning cultural events. We want to impart basic knowledge that students can take with them in the future, allowing them to successfully implement all kinds of events and, yes, to inspire them to do so in the future and to pass on their knowledge.
Beatrice Girth: Ok, and my last question for you: What are you most looking forward to during summaery weekend?
Frederik Sukop: I always enjoy checking out the Produktdesign (Product Design) exhibits. But actually for me, the weekend is mainly about getting together on the weekend, when people are a bit more relaxed. Former students come back to check out the summaery, drink a coffee together, visit the exhibitions, and then maybe go to one of the many parties in the evening to hang out and relax.
In the »FIVE QUESTIONS« interview series, various individuals at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar meet and ask one another five questions. Beatrice Girth and Frederik Sukop kick off the series.